Immediate Tangent Alert
Oh sheesh, this is an oldy but goody. Watergate salad became all the rage back in the 1970’s following the Richard Nixon “Watergate” scandal. People would snicker and wink whenever they served this salad, “It’s Watergate salad,” they’d say knowingly. For years following Watergate the word ‘gate’ was attached to anything politically scandalous.
I think that little play on words ended about the time a certain someone wearing a particular blue dress hid beneath the presidential desk. We probably had to stop using the suffix ‘gate’ because it wouldn’t have made sense to say something like “blue dressgate” or “Oval Office deskgate”. We definitely couldn’t call it “Billgate” because we already had one of those except that he was Bill Gates with an “s”. And despite the fact that he started out with a bad reputation for working his employees to death and gobbling up the computer industry and seemingly being the megalomaniac of all geekdom, he has ended up being a rather excellent human being…gives staggering amounts of money away. And think about it – where would we be without Windows? Seriously.
Did I just go off on a political tangent? It’s 1:00 in the morning and my mind is so brilliantly clear at this time of the morning. All of my loose screws stop rattling around in my brain and everything settles down into a general state of sublime harmony with the universe as I know it.
About Watergate Salad.
According to the Kraft company, Watergate Salad was originally known as “Pistachio Pineapple Delight”. Why did everything from the 1970’s end with the word delight? Chocolate Delight, Afternoon Delight, something else delight that I can’t remember…
No matter the correct name, this salad showed up at all kinds of special dinners back then; the perfect counter point to the general savoriness of most meals. It is a delicious and probably ought to be considered more of a dessert than a salad. Maybe it is called a salad because it’s green.
I don’t know. I mean, let’s do a quick review of the ingredients and you raise your hand when you think I list something that is not found in a dessert. Ready? pudding………..marshmallows………crushed pineapple……….pecans……….Cool Whip. (FYI–if you counted the dots and it is driving you crazy that I have a random number of dots between each word, then you may want to see a doctor about that little problem. Just saying.)
Okay, so have you decided whether this is a dessert or a salad? I’ll make it easy on you; since we know that Watergate has become synonymous with prevarication, this is definitely a salad. But, you can decide for yourself.
Watergate Salad
- 1 (3.4 ounce) box instant pistachio pudding
- 1 (20 ounce) can crushed pineapple, with juice (do NOT drain)
- 1 cup miniature marshmallows
- 1/2 cup chopped pecans
- 1 1/2 cups thawed non-dairy whipped topping, such as Cool Whip
- Mix together the pistachio pudding mix, crushed pineapple with juice, marshmallows, and pecans (if using).
- Stir in the non-dairy whipped topping. Cover and chill for 1 or more hours.
I just made this watergate salad too. I was doing a test run for a 70’s themed party I’m having and this one my “I’m not a crook” watergate salad. LOL! I was totally surprised when I saw someone else had posted this throwback to the ’70’s delight. It was really yummy.
Wishing you the best for 2012… may all your dreams come true!! ~ Ramona
Curry and Comfort–That’s funny! I was surfing the internet looking for something or other and I saw Watergate salad mentioned. I used to really like that salad, but had forgotten all about it over the years. I’m glad I found it again. So, what else are you going to do for your 70’s party? I saw on your blog that you have made ambrosia and grape jelly meatballs. I just bought a fun retro cookbook from Southern Living and looking through it brings back memories from when I was young.
Hi Terri.. we’re really doing a 70’s fondue party. The ambrosia, Watergate and meatballs are just more yummies to enjoy.
Hope you have a wonderful new year!! All the best for 2012! ~ Ramona