Yes, it is true, I have been away a long time again from this blog. There have been personal challenges, but at least I have spent much time thinking about blogging. I have missed being here and I have missed all of you who stop by and leave thoughts and messages.
Despite the fact that I do not have a food recipe to share, I would like to share some thoughts with you about an experience I had last night. It is a recipe, of sorts, for happiness.
I am, by nature, as well as by teaching, a person of faith. I have absolutely no doubts that there is a God and I offer him all of my heart willingly.
I often find myself singing around the house. I sing a lot – to my grandkids, to the dog, to myself – and make up silly songs that make me laugh. My voice is mostly not very good. I hit far more wrong notes than I do right notes. I’ve never had a strong singing voice; it’s rather whimpy and my vocal range is maybe an octave in an alto range. Nevertheless, I like to sing. It’s good for the soul.
After a long and trying week, I was spending some quiet time alone in my little craft corner working on some homemade cards. I get a lot of thinking done when I am creating and often I review the happenings of the day or week or month or whatever. 🙂
As I said, it had been a difficult week, but I was finding solace in working with inks and paints and paper. Before I knew it, I was singing as I created. I was doing my usual thing, making up words and tunes as bits of thoughts ambled through my mind. When I go on a singing jag, I often end up on a familiar tune.
Last night I ended up singing “Israel, Israel, God is Calling”. The tune is familiar to most Christians as “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”. The original music was written by Charles Crozat Converse; the lyrics to “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” were written by Joseph M. Scrivens. In the early Mormon church, other lyrics were written by Richard Smyth and set to Converse’s music. Although the messages in the two sets of lyrics are quite different from each other, I love them both.
I sat at my desk singing away – “Israel, Israel, God is calling, Calling thee from lands of woe…..” and then the second verse, “Israel, Israel, God is speaking. Hear your great Deliverer’s voice ……”….. and then I sort of, kind of forgot the words. I rummaged around in my brain, but could only come up with fragments from the various verses.
Momentarily distracted by something I was inking, I found myself starting the song over. This time however, without thinking, I sang, “Israel, Israel, God is singing….” And then I stopped and sat back in my chair. Those words do not exist in the song. Actually, I have never, ever heard a hymn which talks about God singing.
Angels sing and people sing and King David sang (and danced), but what about God? I tried to envision a picture in my mind of God singing and suddenly there were tears streaming down my face. It made perfect sense to me that God sings. He created heaven and earth and all that is in them. He created those who create and gave them the abilities to glorify Him through their creations. If man sings, then certainly God sings. He would not give mankind the power to do something that he, himself, cannot do.
I wonder what songs he sings? What are the lyrics? What is the music like? When we hear music that truly resonates with us to our very souls and moves us to tears, is it God who is singing to us through mortal man?
Can you hear your Father singing? What does he sound like in your mind?
Happy Easter, one and all. I testify that Jesus Christ lived, died, resurrected and lives with his Father in the heavens above. He is with us every day if we allow it, especially in the rough times during our earthly sojourn. I love Him and am deeply and steadfastly grateful for his immense gifts to mankind.
Addendum 1/4/2017 — A reader, Laura, left a comment today in which she included a verse from Zephaniah 3:17. “The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.” This verse fills my heart with joy! Thank you, Laura.
Just in case you are interested, here are two versions of Israel, Israel, God is Calling. The first version is from, of course :), the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and their performance is particularly beautiful. I really like the arrangement. The second version is quite different from the first one. It is strong and powerful and even has drums in it. The introduction is spoken by a strong Polynesian voice, but I am not certain which language — Samoan maybe? The speaker then sings the song in English. Both renditions are amazingly stirring and I love them equally.
- Mormon Tabernacle Choir (Israel, Israel, God is Calling in traditional choir format) —
- Unknown vocalist and performers — maybe Samoan? (stirring and powerful, accented with Polynesian drums!) —
I have never thought about that either but it makes perfect sense 🙂
Thank you for this, Terri. And I hope your rough times are past. 🙂
Thank you, Mary. I have to confess, getting rid of the rough times would be hugely welcomed! 🙂 ~Terri
Hi Terri!! So glad to hear from you in the blog world again. 🙂 Hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter. 🙂
Hi Ramona and thank you. I hope that you and your family had a wonderful Easter as well. Ours was very, very quiet; it was just John, Katie and me. I iddn’t even get to go to Church because I have strep throat. Boo hoo! 🙂 ~Terri
What a lovely thought. Will be checking those links out.
I think you’ll like the music, Rie. ~Terri
Thank you for your thoughts. The world would be a beautiful place if we all would spread the word of faith in our Lord.
That’s very true, CC. We can start by living our personal lives in such a way that we radiate peace. I’ve had patients that live their lives based in kindness and it makes such a difference in caring for them as opposed to caring for those who like to be grumpy and snippy. I like the Savior’s words in John 14:27 (KJV). ~Terri
I find that I hear God so much better when my mind is free and relaxed. I can certainly picture God singing- you put the voice to His music!
My “nonsense” songs have made my granddaughter happy since she was very little, and now that she’s 5, she makes up songs herself! I’m so glad that she picked that up from me and feels free enough to let her words and tunes speak without fear. We call ourselves “the silly girls” when we make up songs- long live ALL the silly girls in the world!
Silly girls, unite!!!!! ~Terri
so glad to hear your thoughts today!
Thank you, Donna. It was one of those things that I just HAD to write. ~Terri
I had a dream last year and the picture you posted is what I saw in my dream. Jesus was surrounded by angels and there was a bright light glowing around him. It was amazing and I believe it was really him. He didn’t say anything to me, but it meant a lot to me.
What a beautiful dream, Amber. It’s something that you can always hold close to your heart, like Mary did with the things the angels said to the shepherds after Jesus was born. Thank you for sharing such a sacred thing with me. I hope that you have a blessed day today. ~Terri
Hello dear cyber friend……Just wanted to let you know I recently shared about this blog post with someone. They had the same reaction I did…..why wouldn’t our Father sing?? We decided that he did!!! While we were discussing this, she said she got the chills. Hope you are enjoying this Mother’s Day…..xoxoxoxoxox
Hi Rie. Now you’ve given ME the chills. I love that feeling of enlightened understanding and awe. ~Terri
Hi Terri,
Just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts.
interesting thought… this hits home for me literally..I recently lost my father and I think of him all the time .
I’m sorry about your father. My father died 34 years ago and I still think about him almost every day. Death is complicated for those who are left behind. (Hugs to you.)
Thinking of you. Hope you are enjoying your summer
Hope your summer is going well.
Still checking in dear cyber friend….
Hi Terri,
Hope this little note finds you well. Want you to know that you are in my thoughts!
Hi There Terri,
Hope you are enjoying the fall season! Good thoughts to you.
Hi Terry,
Wishing you and your family a Healthy, Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you, Rie. You are so sweet to think about me.
Merry (belated) Christmas. Thought I had sent a message. Anyhoo…..hoping you got all you wanted at Christmas.
We don’t know each other, and I just happened to stumble upon your blog while searching for sweet potato recipes today, and moments later found myself reading this post. I wanted to share one of my favorite verses from Zephaniah 3:17. The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. I hope you hear him singing to you today.
Oh, Laura, thank you so much for sharing that verse! It is so beautiful and perfect. I will definitely use it as the next page in my scripture art journal. As a matter of fact, I am going to print it with script lettering and frame it.
Hello Cyber Friend,
Just wanted to let you know that I do think of you and hope you are well.
Hi Teri,
Thinking of you…..sending you hugs,
Merry Christmas