A couple of weekends ago I met up with my daughter, her husband, and the grandkadiddles at our favorite pumpkin patch. There are so many varieties of pumpkins that we always have a hard time not filling up multiple wagon loads of them. There are pink, pale green, pale orange, pale yellow, grey, white, and of course, orange. But even among the orange pumpkins there are multiple varieties: smooth, red orange pumpkins; large oblong pumpkins; squat roundish pumpkins; and little tiny pumpkins. There’s also gnarly, warty pumpkins. For whatever reasons, those give me the creeps.
The best thing about pumpkin pickin’, though, is watching my grandkids run around finding the perfect pumpkin. They run from pumpkin to pumpkin declaring each one to be “their” pumpkin. My daughter sounds like a mom when she reminds them that they each only get one pumpkin. I’m so glad that she has to do the dirty work of excitement control instead of me. That is the “no-fun” part of parenting–having to say “no”.
I was always so guilt ridden when I was raising my kids because I had to say “no” a lot. Can I have some more candy? I still have a bunch left over from trick or treating three weeks ago. No. Can I stay up longer? It’s only an hour past my bedtime. No. Can I have three pumpkins this year instead of one? No. Can I have these really cool jeans that only cost $100? No. Can I have a sleepover with my friends again this weekend? No. Can I take piano lessons, dance lessons, guitar lessons, swim lessons, play soccer, and run track? I’m pretty sure that I can keep my grades up and do those things, too. No.
See? So many “no’s”, so much guilt.
There were lots of “yes’s”, too. Tons of yes’s. But to this day, I still squirm if I have to say “no” to anything. I say a lot of yes’s to my grandchildren, probably more than I ought to say, much to their parent’s dismay. Here are some pics from this year’s pumpkin patch adventure where I got to say “yes” very, very often.
Yes, Gavin, you can roll the pumpkin instead of carrying it.
Yes, you guys rock the sunglasses.
Yes, Ander rocks the sunglasses even better.
Yes, Kade, you DID make an ocean!
Yes, Gavin, you can take that pumpkin home and use it for a cool chair in your bedroom.
Yes, Kade, you can take the kitty home with you. I’m sure your mom won’t mind.
Yes, Ander, PaPa is very comfortable.
Yes, I agree boys. Your parents are mean to only let you have one pumpkin each.
Yes, Kade, you may ride on the tractor wheel.
Yes, Gavin, you are amazing pulling that wagon.
Yes, Ander, your grandmother will continue to embarrass you for years to come. 🙂
Thank you so much. Love the pictures and especially, the last one. Happy Halloween to you and family!
How Fun! I love it! This time of year allows for so many fun memories! Thanks for sharing this one!
These photos are precious!! So glad to see your daughter and her family doing so well after her delivery. I am so happy that you got to enjoy such a beautiful day together with your family!! Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos. 🙂
How awesome……pumpkin patch times are just about the best!
It’s always great to have adventures and fun with family.
Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing Terri!